
NAO Framework to Review Programmes

Four key elements:

  1. Purpose – is there a strategic need for the programme and is this the right programme to meet the business need?
  2. Value – does the programme provide value for money?
  3. Programme set-up – is the programme set up in accordance with good practice and are risks being well managed?
  4. Delivery & variation management – are mechanisms in place to deliver the intended outcomes and respond to change, and is the programme progressing according to plan?

Under each of these four elements there are a series of 18 ‘Key questions’ that are asked covering Stakeholders, dependencies, resources, benefits, external change and lessons learned among others.

Link to the framework is here.

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Framework to review models
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Programme Setup
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Over-optimism in government projects
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Evaluation in Government
Helping Government Learn
Lessons for Major Service Transformation
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