Good Practice in preventing Project Failure

So far we have discussed, symptoms, causes, impacts, root causes and now we’re moving onto good practice for preventing project failure.

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Once you have identified the root cause of a problem that is contributing to your project failure, you need to investigate how to resolve it.

You may have multiple choices to tackle it but which is likely to be the best option for you?

There could be an options appraisal of what works best in your situation.

Options for Solutions

Often times we’ll opt for the first solution that comes to us as time is tight and the impact are causing pain.

If we take our leaking pipe example, then the obvious choices ahead of us is to:

  • Talk to the neighbour about not exercising and damaging our pipe

A good option, and while there is risk with it as the neighbour may not take well to us impacting their lifestyle, there could be another way.

Is there an option that is within our own sphere of influence that does not require the neighbour?

The problem is the break in the pipe, we can fix it but the neighbour’s actions may break it again as that has not gone away.

Imagine if there was a solution that would be sustainable regardlesss of the neighbours actions.

In our leaking pipe scenario then we would look at using a metal pipe instead of the plastic pipe. The neighbour would no longer impact the pipe and the risk of breaking is gone.

Think within your Sphere of Control

Always consider the options that are within your control. Having the ability to implement a solution that you control de-risks the implementation and should ensure a more sustainable resolution in the longer term.

When you come to your next problem and root cause, look for your metal pipe good practice answer to fix things for the long term preventing project failure.

To help you with that, here are some great resources that will guide your project around some roadblocks others have found on the way in preventing project failure.